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The Ethical Way To Make Money On Forgotten Myspace

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Master Resell Rights


Introducing ... The Ethical Way To Make Money On Forgotten Myspace ...
File : Master Resell Rights
Brief Note :
There is a lot of information on how to make money with social networks. Many of the techniques that you learn on one site can work for another site. Many of the “black hat” or unethical tricks that can lead to getting you banned also can work on other websites (and risk getting you banned as well). We will go over a number of different ways to make money on MySpace, the ethical way, but first we have to understand the unique niche that MySpace dominates and how to use that to our advantage when creating strategies that bring in income.
MySpace has a younger set of demographics than other sites like Facebook or Twitter. There are more teenagers and young adults on MySpace than on other social networks. In fact, if we take a look at the actual data from for MySpace way back in August 2009, we get a very clear view of the actual demographics of this site.
About 60 million people visit MySpace every month. Almost 60% of them are female. Seventy-five percent of people who visit are between the ages of 13 and 34, with the majority being teens. More Hispanic people visit MySpace than other ethnicities, although AfricanAmericans are well represented too. This young group of people are typically less affluent, have no college experience, and do not have kids. Understanding the demographics clues entrepreneurs into the target audience and helps them to select income-creating strategies that work with the demographic.
For instance, you would not be able to sell retirement affiliate offers successfully on MySpace. There aren't enough people who would be interested in that niche.
Similarly, you can add games and fun exercises through a cost-per-action affiliate program and generate tons of interest, even if you make no sales. Since you get paid for the action, it can be a way to make money on MySpace.
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