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Sales Video Formula 2.0 Video Series Pack

File License: 
Master Resell Rights


Introducing .... Sales Video Formula 2.0 Video Series Pack ......

File : Master Resell Rights

Brief Note :

Discover How To Crank Out Your Own Killer Sales Videos! 

Secret Formula To High Converting, Profit Pulling Videos!

You will find the following topics in this video pack :

Module #1: Winning Video Sales Letter Layout

There's a psychological reason why most if not all of the top selling products on marketplaces like ClickBank and JVZoo are set up in this way (but you might not realize them)

You will be shown how a winning VSL layout looks like, so you can follow and prep your site for some hardcore sales!

Module #2: The Sales Video Formula

The core component of my video training and exactly why I named the entire course so. I give you the formula on how to create your own VSL masterpiece and after this you'll be churning them out like gangbusters for EPIC results!

This is the same formula as used by most of the best selling products sales videos across several niches.

Module #3: VSL Tweaks

I Also Give You A Collection Of Surprisingly Simple 'VSL Hacking' Tips To Drastically Boost Your Conversions.

Yes the devil is in the details, and I show you how making easy tweaks can DOUBLE or TRIPLE your sales with no extra traffic or visitors!

Let's say you're getting an average of 2% conversion rates for your offer - which means every 2 in 100 visitors purchase your product.

With simple tweaks, even if you boost your conversion rate to 4% - that's already DOUBLE the customers you get for the same amount of visitors!

A minor tweak can make a STAGGERING difference in the long run, so imagine how many people out there have surrendered to mediocrity.

Which is a waste considering they're only a few tweaks away from optimizing their sales count.

That brings to the next part...

Module #4: Split Test

That's right. Most people don't know how to use a split test tool and fewer find it essential to even use it in the first place.

I show you how to expertly use Split Test campaigns and discover your winning VSLs.

And to answer the ultimate question...

Module #5: Pure VSL vs. Hybrid VSL vs. Pure Copy

You have seen these around. Quite simply, there are generally 3 types of sales pages out there. And you might be wondering which type of copy is the best and most ideal. The market varies so I list out the pros and cons and you can make a fully informed decision in your VSL plan.


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